Wednesday, October 9, 2013

SEO for beginners

If you have a high schooler who is building a website in the html or wordpress class this term, they're probably considering monetizing that blog or website. When you have information you're trying to share it's just natural to want to benefit the most amount of people, right? I mean, it makes sense that if you think your stuff is awesome then you think others might like it, too, right? Maybe it's just me and my opinion. Either way, there's a website to help people write for income and there are also sites to help people learn about niche blogging and building topic-specific websites. In the web design world, a lot of that stuff is called SEO, Search Engine OPtimization. It's an ever-changing field of study that's entirely man-made, so is it an art? Is it a science? Either way, for some of us, it's a job. Crazy world we live in, right?

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