Tuesday, October 18, 2011

That special blankie

Oh don't you just love it when your friends are expecting new babies? I just love watching their bellies grow and sharing every moment of pregnancy, it's such an amazing time and I always make a habit of knitting them a crib blanket or buying a special organic baby blanket for every one of them. I always make a point to get only the best with the hopes that my blanket will be the one they cling to when they're toddlers. I was lucky with my friend Kathryn, the blanket I got her was a jewel toned organic cotton blanket with a matching beanie. I even got a teeny little doll blanket that goes with it. When I was a kid, I loved having doll-sized things to match my own belongings. Little Chloe Luna is only a year old right now, it's too soon to say if she has any special attachment to the blanket or not, but every time I go visit her I make sure to snuggle with that blanket and bring her little presents and stuff. We'll see if it works, I guess I'll let you know in a few years ;)

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